
Buy and Sell

In the earlier days of civilization, commodities and farm produce were less sufficient as farmers market their produce by selling to friends on a cash basis or on a barter trade system. Today the distribution and marketing of commodities have gone through massive changes and will require strong technology and marketing to sustain farming activities.

OMNITRADE Africa seeks to transform the commodity exchange market by creating a demand for a commodity, providing the right temperature for storage and selling directly to customers.

We buy our commodities as it is gathered from the field through a vigorous standardisation process. Our shop showcases our unending list of various commodity prices across the globe at unbeatable prices.

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Omnishop Africa

Omnishop marks a significant step forward in bridging the distance between the farmers, sellers and buyers making commerce better for everyone. It is dominantly business to business with a wide range of exquisite commodities and farm produce.

Our digital shop brings together the best quality commodity and farm produce and also makes it easy for customers across the globe to speed up their checkout, and shipment details whilst discovering brands of long-standing reputation in the world.

Our shop makes it easier for businesses to sell and market their emerging brands, whilst we take off the little extras making online shopping more personal and convenient.

Visit Omnishop Africa